Why Learn Python Programming Language ?

The Python language is one of the most accessible programming languages because it has a simple syntax and is not much complicated. Python codes can be written and executed faster than other programming languages. Python was developed by Guido van Rossum.

Why learn Python?

  • High focus on readability.
  • Designed as an easy-to-use language.
  • Designed for logical code that is easy to read and write.
  • Lots of existing libraries and frameworks written in Python so users can do tasks in a wide variety.
  • Focus on optimizing the developer’s time.
  • It is used in too many programming fields with other coding languages.

Where is Python used in industry?

Famous companies are also using Python such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, Quora, Netflix, Dropbox, Reddit

What can you do with Python?

  • Can automate the boring stuff.
  1. While working with pdf documents.
  2. Finding and editing files.
  3. Reading and editing excel sheets.
  4. Fill out forms.
  5. Can automate emails and text messages.
  6. Can make a program to calculate grades.
  • Data science and Machine learning.
  1. Can Analyze large data files.
  2. Can create visualizers.
  3. Run predictive algorithms.
  • Create Website.
  1. Using some framework like Django, Flask, FastAPI can control the backend of a website.
  2. Can create Good looking Dashboards for the website.

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